27 October 2007

Cryptic, I Know

A friend of mine makes much of how it's impossible to walk anywhere in Manchester with me without us randomly bumping into a handful of pretty friends of mine; today's been a poor day on that front, with me having but met one such lass randomly, though I've made up for it with the ones I'd planned to meet.


Anyway, I'm back. I have some work to do, some books to return, some people to see, some letters to send, and a presentation to attend, as well as coffee to quaff and friends to meet. It'll be busy. I may go to see my cousins in the Rylands, perching on the banisters.

Getting here was gruelling, but at least there were no nautical fiascos like yesterday. It's been a long and interesting day, and one that's allowed me to crack my 'skeleton at the feast' joke a few times. I'd show you a photograph, if I didn't think it might lead to trouble. Hell, I'd be wearing my T-shirt if I didn't think it too would lead to trouble. You know the one? With the logo? No?

I'm really being very prudent, believe it or not. I don't think discretion is the better part of valour, but it is certainly a valuable part of that arsenal.

Oh there'll be stories to tell when all this is over. Or maybe over dinner on Monday.

Anyhow, my wine is waiting. Adieu.

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