The Thirsty Gargoyle
~ lacrimae in corde, in capite risūs ~
02 November 2023
For those who've gone before
Today being the feast of All Souls, or The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed, as my missal has it, it's time to revisit my annu...
26 July 2023
Hannibal, Cyrus, and lessons in followship
Back in 2003 Toni Morrison met Peter Olson , the then CEO of Random House, at that year’s Book Expo America, and mentioned having watched a ...
25 July 2023
Silos and synods
I was at a conference in Rome a few years ago where people from Google explained that Catholic websites tend to punch well below their weigh...
17 July 2023
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about specialisation, about picking one area and being known for being great at one thing. I’m not sure abou...
10 May 2023
It’s strange to read commentary on the Coronation when it wasn’t even on the radar for me on Saturday; a bit like missing the Biden vi...
04 May 2023
I saw yesterday that this year’s Dublin Handelfest is being advertised, and perhaps unsurprisingly I felt that same ambivalent twinge of tro...
17 April 2023
On the bus back from the airport yesterday I wasted the blue skies and glorious views that were surrounding me and would soon and suddenly b...
09 April 2023
Days accumulate meanings as we age. Today would have been my mam’s birthday, were she still with us here, and so with me thinking of her any...
29 March 2023
The river Boyne is tidal outside our house, rising and falling as it ebbs and flows with the salty waters of the Irish Sea. The water can dr...
23 March 2023
The problem of England
I'm not sure there's anywhere in the world that annoys me more than Ireland, but England surely runs it a close second. One of the s...
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